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Exemption standards and regulations

Exemption qualifications

 Online application guides

  1. Please check https://flc.ncku.edu.tw/p/412-1144-22834.php?Lang=en for the exemption standards and regulations.
  2. There are Two PHASES of applications for credit exemptions. The qualifications are listed in the tables below. The credit exemptions will only be approved after the second phase of verification is done. No application is accepted later than the specified deadlines, except for special circumstances approved by the University.

(1) [First Phase] Application ONLINE: Applications for credit exemptions shall be completed online via the Confirmation of Foreign Language Competence System (https://eagle.english.ncku.edu.tw/)) from 9:00 AM, February 1, 2025 to 5:00 PM, February 25, 2025. The wavier qualifications for students enrolled in/after the 2017-18 academic year differ from those for students enrolled in/before the 2016-17 academic year (especially for the scores on TOEFL iBT, TOEIC, and OOPT); therefore, choose the qualifications applicable to the academic year of your admission. Any untrue or insufficient applications require re-submission.  Please remember to print out the application form after the application online.

(2) [Second Phase] Verification by Foreign Language Center: A printout of the application form along with one of the following documents should both be submitted in person to the Foreign Language Center on the second floor of Hsiu-Chi Building on Kuang-fu Campus  from February 17, 2025 to February 25, 2025, 9:10 AM to 5:00 PM. Please go to the Confirmation of Foreign Language Competence System (https://eagle.english.ncku.edu.tw/) to check the results of your credit exemption application after your submission to the Foreign Language Center:

  1. Valid passport (for those from countries where English is an official language).
  2. Official transcript (or school letter) with a valid signature that describes the study period and subjects taught in English accounting for more than 50% of the entire subjects (for those who received high school education where English is the instructional language).
  3. Original English proficiency certificate of GEPT, TOEFL iBT, IELTS, TOEIC, Cambridge Main Suite, BULATS, Oxford Online Placement Test, TOEFL ITP, TOEIC Speaking and Writing Tests, BESTEP, Linguaskill Business or Linguaskill General.

  1. Those who have waived four credits and do not intend to take any English courses must drop the enrolled courses online before the end of the third stage enrollment period. The students who do not meet the criteria for credit exemptions or fail to adhere to the deadlines should take the courses as required. Students can apply for two- and four-credit waivers respectively only once before graduation. Maximally, only four credits can be exempted.

  1. The system for English credit exemptions will be open every semester. Students are only required to complete the application of English credit exemptions before graduation.


 You are welcome to utilize the language-related studying materials of the FLC multimedia self-learning room. Please refer to http://flc.ncku.edu.tw/p/412-1144-17550.php?Lang=en for further information.

Frequently Asked Questions