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Freshman English Placement Test and English Course Selection (Only for Freshmen in the current academic year)

  1. Target students: Freshmen in the current academic year
  2. The following students do NOT need to register for English modules.
  • Students who are eligible to apply for English four-credits exemption.
  • FLLD students
  • Reenrolling, new transferred, or exchange students of the semester

 (For re-enrolling, transfer, or exchange students, may choose an English course on the NCKU Course Information and Enrollment System without any module. Those who intend to enroll in English courses in the following semester shall complete an English proficiency test and register for an English module with the transcripts or certificates at the Foreign Language Center from Week 5 to Week 17 in the current semester.)

  1. How to register for the English module?
  • Students who have a CEFR certificate/transcript

Please upload your English test results. For more information, please refer to the following link https://flc.ncku.edu.tw/p/412-1144-30681.php?Lang=en

  • Students who don't have a CEFR certificate/transcript

Please register for the English Placement Test. For more information, please refer to the following link https://flc.ncku.edu.tw/p/412-1144-30682.php?Lang=en

  1. Students should either take the placement test or register for the module with an existing proficiency certificate. Students who take the placement test and register for modules with other proficiency tests will be classified into the higher module results.
  2. Students who don’t upload valid certificates/transcripts of their English proficiency in the English Placement System will NOT be allowed to select any English course this semester. Instead, students should take a standardized test, such as GEPT, TOEIC, TOFEL, IELTS, on their own expenses in order to register for modules at the Foreign Language Center from Week 5 to Week 17 in the current semester. After getting the module, students can select an English course at next semester.
  3. Students who have not register for a module in the time designated cannot select an English course.
  4. English module courses are not freshman-limited. Students are only required to take four credits of English courses before graduation.