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Application for English Modules for second/third/fourth year students

From 9:00 AM, October 7, 2024 to 5:00 PM, January 3, 2025, please bring the hard copy of your English certificate/transcript and your student ID card to the Foreign Language Center to register for your English module or to switch to a higher module. Those who have successfully completed the module registration will be able to select courses in the next semester.


  1. Print-screened transcripts from official websites, mobile apps or text messages will not be accepted for English Module registration.
  2. Please bring the original transcript/certificate. Anyone found to have forged certificates will be held legally responsible.

Module assignments will be determined according to the results corresponding to CEFR English proficiency levels outlined in the chart of NCKU English Module Courses with their CEFR Alignments. https://flc.ncku.edu.tw/p/412-1144-30626.php?Lang=zh-tw