姓名 |
工作職掌 |
Email: yangsf@gs.ncku.edu.tw |
1. 教育背景(Education): 國立高雄師範大學成人教育研究所助理教授 |
Email: wosohealth@gmail.com |
1. 教育背景(Education): PhD (Epidemiology), McGill University MPH (Epidemiology and Biostatistics), University of California, Berkeley BA (Public Health), University of California, Berkeley
2. 教學經驗(Teaching Experience): Associate Professor, National Cheng Kung University, August 2023 - Present Adjunct Assistant Professor, Weill Cornell Medical College, July 2018 - Present
3. 領域/專長 (Specialties): Public Health、Epidemiology、Biostatistics、Sports Medicine、Orthopedics、Rehabilitation、Injury Prevention、 Women's Health
4. 其他要求(Other Requirements): By appointment only |
Email: z11202024@ncku.edu.tw |
1. 教育背景(Education): 最高學歷: 美國西雅圖華盛頓大學經濟學博士 (Ph.D. in Economics, University of Washington)
3. 領域/專長 (Specialties): 經濟學(Economics)
4. 其他要求(Other Requirements): 請盡可能在前來諮詢的前一天將諮詢內容或待修改或潤色的文字傳給我 |
Email: jackskchang@gs.ncku.edu.tw |
1. 教育背景(Education): PhD, Purdue University, USA
2. 教學經驗(Teaching Experience): - Mentored undergraduate and graduate students' writing in Taiwan, USA, and Canada - Designed, conducted, and authored academic and industrial research - EMI course instructor in NCKU
3. 領域/專長 (Specialties): Human-Computer Interaction, Virtual Reality/Augmented Reality, User Experience, Spatial Cognition
4. 其他要求(Other Requirements): - Please email me the draft documents that are going to be the topic of discussion at least 2 days before the meeting. - It is preferred that the discussant email me the academic information (e.g., short description of academic background, CV/resume, or personal website) before the meeting. |
Email: phsu@gs.ncku.edu.tw |
1. 教育背景(Education): 美國加州大學洛杉磯分校亞洲語言與文化系博士
2. 教學經驗(Teaching Experience): 在美國大學擔任寫作課程助教、講師經驗超過五年
3. 領域/專長 (Specialties): 中國史
4. 其他要求(Other Requirements): 可預先提交欲討論之草稿 |
Email: z11202026@ncku.edu.tw |
1. 教育背景(Education): PhD at Department of Life Sciences, NCKU
1. Postdoc at Baylor college of medicine, 2019-2023 2. Assistant Professor at NCKU, 2023
3. 領域/專長 (Specialties): Neuroscience and neuropathologies
4. 其他要求(Other Requirements):無 |
Dr. John F. Harrison
Email: z11202027@ncku.edu.tw |
1. 教育背景(Education):
2. 教學經驗(Teaching Experience):
3. 領域/專長 (Specialties):
4. 其他要求(Other Requirements):無 |