
【歡迎報名】外語中心教師成長工作坊:Practices of EFL Classrooms in the Technology Disruptive Era 科技破壞時代的英語教學

【國立成功大學外語中心教師成長工作坊 Foreign Language Center Teacher Empowerment Workshop】

  • 日期 Date:2019/05/13 (週一) May 13, 2019 (Mon.)
  • 時間 Time:11:20~13:00
  • 地點 Location:修齊大樓七樓文學院會議室  Conference room at College of Liberal Arts, 7th floor, Hsiu-Chi Building
  • 講題 Topic:科技破壞時代的英語教學 Practices of EFL Classrooms in the Technology Disruptive Era 
  • 講者 Speaker:泰國朱拉隆功大學語言中心主任 Dr. Reongrudee Maneepakhathorn, Assistant Professor & Director of Language Institute Chulalongkorn University, Thailand
  • 報名網址 Registration Link:https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSed2CLmft6DkLW-gEyvn5Z8Qi9LpaeVFnDTh5ufVOrtbPd1IQ/viewform
  • 一小時演講及40分鐘自由討論午餐會  One hour speech and forty minutes discussion
  • 5/9日前登記此表參與演講會者均提供午餐  We will provide a lunch box to people who sign up before 5/9
  • 活動海報 Poster:


